Uncertainty and the Study of Cyber Deterrence: The Case of Israel’s Limited Reliance on Cyber Deterrence. In Cyber Security: Socio-Technological Uncertainty and Political Fragmentation, edited by Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Andreas Wenger, 128–140. London: Routledge (2022)
Ontological Security and the Continuation of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. In Resolving International Conflicts. Dynamics of Escalation, Continuation and Transformation, edited by Isabel Bramsen, Poul Poder, and Ole Wæver, 215-228. London: Routledge (2019).
The Spiraling Effect. Emotional Representation and International Interactions. In Methodology and Emotion in International Relations: Parsing the Passions, edited by Eric Van Rythoven and Mira Sucharov, 97-112. London: Routledge (2019).
Ontological Security and the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process: Between Unstable Conflict and Conflict in Resolution. In Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security: Peace Anxieties, edited by Bahar Rumelili, 31-51. London: Routledge (2015).
“Offensive Liberalism” a Critical Appraisal. In Regional Peacemaking and Conflict Management. A Comparative Approach, edited by Carmela Lutmar and Benjamin Miller, 274-284. London: Routledge (2015).

Ontological Security, Cyber Technology and States’ Responses, European Journal of International Relations (forthcoming)
Uncertainty and the Study of Cyber Deterrence: The Case of Israel’s Limited Reliance on Cyber Deterrence. In Cyber Security: Socio-Technological Uncertainty and Political Fragmentation, edited by Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Andreas Wenger, 128–140. London: Routledge (2022)
The Dog that didn't Bark, the Dog that Did Bark, and the Dog that Should have Barked: A Methodology for Cyber Deterrence Research. International Studies Review 23(4): 1672-1698 (2021)
The ‘Attribution Problem’ and the Social Construction of ‘Violence’: Taking Cyber Deterrence Literature a Step Forward. International Studies Perspectives 17(3): 322-342 (2016).
​Cyber Warfare and Deterrence: Trends and Challenges. Military and Strategic Affairs 3(3): 41-5 (2011).
Constitution Making and International Relations Theories. International Studies Perspectives 20(4): 412-434 (2019) (with Hanna Lerner).