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Uncertainty and the Study of Cyber Deterrence: The Case of Israel’s Limited Reliance on Cyber Deterrence. In Cyber Security: Socio-Technological Uncertainty and Political Fragmentation, edited by Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Andreas Wenger, 128–140. London: Routledge (2022)

Ontological Security and the Continuation of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. In Resolving International Conflicts. Dynamics of Escalation, Continuation and Transformation, edited by Isabel Bramsen, Poul Poder, and Ole Wæver, 215-228. London: Routledge (2019).

The Spiraling Effect. Emotional Representation and International Interactions. In Methodology and Emotion in International Relations: Parsing the Passions, edited by Eric Van Rythoven and Mira Sucharov, 97-112. London: Routledge (2019).

Ontological Security and the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process: Between Unstable Conflict and Conflict in Resolution. In Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security: Peace Anxieties, edited by Bahar Rumelili, 31-51. London: Routledge (2015).

“Offensive Liberalism” a Critical Appraisal. In Regional Peacemaking and Conflict Management. A Comparative Approach, edited by Carmela Lutmar and Benjamin Miller, 274-284. London: Routledge (2015).

Dr. Amir Lupovici is a senior lecturer (associate professor) in the School of Political Science, Government and International Affairs and a research fellow in the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center. His research interests include IR Theory, Security Studies, and Constructivism, and specifically ontological security and securitization. Among other things he focuses on the practices of deterrence and on different aspects of cyber security.

His book The Power of Deterrence. Emotions, Identity and American and Israeli Wars of Resolve (2016 Cambridge University Press) applies the concept of Ontological Security to explore the practices of deterrence.

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Dr. Amir Lupovici


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